Moin Bhuiyan博士.D., P.工程师(加拿大)

Moin Bhuiyan Ph.D. P.Eng形象
访问ing Assistant Professor

电 & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering

Ph.D. in 电 Engineering University of Windsor, Windsor, 加拿大
M.A. Sc. in 电 and Computer Engineering Ryerson University, 多伦多, 加拿大
B.Sc. in 电 and Electronic Engineering 吉大港 University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), 吉大港, 孟加拉国


Dr. Moin Bhuiyan is currently a 访问ing Assistant Professor at the University of New Haven in the Department of 电 and Computer Engineering and Computer Science. His research interests include Smart Prosthetics, 数字系统, 可穿戴式传感器, Biomedical signals and image processing, and Machine learning algorithms: Theory and Application. 在过去, he has served as an Assistant Teaching Professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and as a Contract Lecturer at Ryerson University. 在WPI, he worked on a myoelectric hand-wrist prosthesis, which in卷ved research in algorithms, 肌电图信号, 还有机器学习. He also developed a 16 channel analog front end for EMG signal processing at WPI. He also worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Diagnostic Imaging 研究 located at MaRS Discovery District, 多伦多, ON, 加拿大. There, he continued his Ph.D. research for developing Portable Pulmonary Injuries Diagnostic device (PPIDD) meant to make a diagnosis of Pneumothorax on the spot.

Current Courses (Spring 2020)
  • VLSI设计
  • 无线网络
  • 网络我
  • 模拟电路
  • Advanced Systems Architecture
  • Biomedical Systems Modeling
  • 数字系统
  • 电子二世
  • Electronics Design Laboratory
  • Intelligence systems/machine learning
  • 网络二世
  • 电力电子
  • Radiation Therapy Devices
  1. Moinuddin Bhuiyan, Eugene V. 马尔雅连科,米尔恰A. Pantea, Dante Capaldi, Alfred E. 贝勒和罗曼. Maev, "Time-Frequency Analysis of Clinical Percussion Signals Using Matrix Pencil Method," Journal of 电 and Computer Engineering, 卷. 2015, Article ID 274541, 10, 页面s, 2015. doi: 10.1155/2015/274541
  2. 在下榻的米, Malyarenko, E.V.; Pantea, M.A., Seviaryn F.M., Maev, R.G. "Advantages and limitations of using Matrix Pencil Method for the modal analysis of medical percussion signals" IEEE Biomedical Engineering,Feb2013, 卷.60 (2): Pages417-26.
  3. 在下榻的米, Malyarenko EV, Pantea M A, Maev R G, Baylor A E. "Estimating the parameters of audible clinical percussion signals by fitting exponentially damped harmonics" Journal of coustical Society of America (JASA), Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Jun2012, 卷.131(6):4690-8. doi: 10.1121/1.4712018.
  4. 在下榻的米, Malyrenko E, Pantea M and Roman Maev "Time-frequency analysis of multi-component, non-stationary signals using matrix pencil method" 11th International Conference of Upcoming Engineers 2012 (ICUE’12), Sponsored by IEEE 多伦多 Chapter Ryerson University, 多伦多, ON, 加拿大.
  5. M.Bhuiyan和M. Jaseemuddin, "Congestion-Aware Overlay Networks‘, Proceedings of the 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2006 (VTC), 9月. 25-28, 2006 Montreal, 加拿大.
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