Marzieh Soltanolkottabi, Ph.D.

Marzieh Soltanolkottabi
Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems 工程
研究生 Coordinator, 工程 and Operations Management

Mechanical and Industrial 工程 Department
Tagliatela College of 工程

Marzieh Soltanolkottabi is an Assistant Professor in Industrial and Systems 工程. Her research interests include mathematical modeling and game theoretic approaches to healthcare and socio-economic systems. The primary focus of her research is on modeling the behavioral response of individuals and populations to epidemics using evolutionary game theory and machine learning to optimize the set of public health policies in controlling the epidemics. Dr. Soltanolkottabi received her Ph.D. from Kansas State University in Industrial engineering. She also holds a master’s degree in Socio-economic systems engineering.
