马丁一个. 戈德堡,M.S., J.D., LL.M.

项目协调员,硕士.S. 在税收方面

会计、金融、 & 市场营销部门






I am a prolific scholar in taxation law as well as business law.  在过去的五年中 years I had six refereed publications in both of these disciplines, usually with emphasis on international aspects of taxation law and business law.  我的教学职责是 primarily in the area of graduate taxation 课程 in the M.S. 在税务计划 and business law course for both undergraduate and graduate business students.  In addition, I have taught multidisciplinary 课程, honors 课程, and study abroad 课程.


戈德堡,M. A. (2008). Business Law: Self-published textbook for 网赌上分平台 business law classes

炸,M.戈德堡,M。.克鲁斯,S. (2008年出版). Taxation of Securities Transactions, LexisNexis 2008 Update.


罗德里格斯,. E.戈德堡,M。. A. (2006). Demonstrating the Failure to Discharge Plaintiff's Duty to Mitigate in a Wrongful Termination Case: an Empirical Approach. To appear in 商业杂志 and 经济研究, 4(7). cluteonline.com/journals//JBER/article/viewFile/2682/2729


戈德堡,M. A. (2013). "New Developments in Commercial Freedom of Speech," Journal 商业案例研究,卷. 9, No. 第4期,275页(2013年7月/ 8月). 商业案例研究杂志,9(4), 275.

戈德堡,M. A.Wnek R. E.罗德里克斯,P.克鲁思,C. (2013). 解开“携带” 利益的争议. 商业杂志 & 经济学研究,第11期(2), 89.

戈德堡,M. A.Reis, C.李,M.Summa-Rabtoy, K. (2012). 餐厅评审责任 在全球范围内诽谤. 商业杂志 & 经济学研究,第10期(1), 53-62.

戈德堡,M. A.Wnek R. E.罗伯特·E.皮诺,J. (2012). U.S. 对 Value of Executive Services Performed for Multinational Joint Ventures. 国际业务 & 《网赌上分平台》第11期(11), 1191.

戈德堡,M. A.Wnek R. E.皮诺,J. S. (2012). U.S. 的价值征税 Executive Services Performed for Multinational Joint Ventures. 国际业务 & 经济学研究杂志.

戈德堡,M. A.Reis, C.李,M.-L., Summa-Rabtoy (2012). 餐厅评审责任 在全球范围内诽谤. 商业杂志 and 经济学研究,第10期(1), 53-62.

戈德堡,M. A.克鲁思,C. (2012). 'Abuse of Dominant Position' Law: Towards a More 公平竞争环境. 《网赌上分平台》第6期(1), 99.

戈德堡,M. A.克鲁思,C. (2010). Antitrust Laws and the Transatlantic Business. 《网赌上分平台》第4期(2), 99.

Wnek R. E.戈德堡,M。.罗勒里,M.利昂,J. (2007). 国内应用 Production Activities Tax Deduction (Relating To A Wide Range Of Industries). 商业杂志 & 经济研究, 73-92.

戈德堡,M.Wnek R.利昂,J. (2007). 国内生产活动的应用 Tax Deduction (Relating to a Wide Range of Industries). 商业杂志 & 经济学研究,5期(9), 73-92.

戈德堡,M. (2007). 家族企业的实体选择. 应用商业研究,2009(2), 7-20.

戈德堡,M.克鲁思,C.米勒,M. (2007). 管理的反响越来越大 对在海外工作的美国人征税. 国际业务 & 《网赌上分平台》第6期(11), 31-38.


戈德堡,M. A. (作者 & Presenter), "Corporate Freedom of Speech:  A New Era," North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association Annual Conference, Newton, Massachusetts. (2012年3月31日).

戈德堡,M. A. (Coordinator/Organizer), Continuing legal education seminar, Taxation and Business Planning Law, 网赌上分平台, 西汉文, CT. (2011年6月7日).

戈德堡,M. A. (Coordinator/Organizer), Continuing legal education seminar, Taxation and Business Planning Law, 网赌上分平台, 西汉文, CT. (2009).

戈德堡,M. A., "Teaching Taxation to Undergraduates in a Constantly-Changing Legal Environment," presented at the American Accounting Association annual meeting, New 8月3日,约克.纽约,纽约. (二九年八月三日).

戈德堡,M. A. (Coordinator/Organizer), Continuing education seminar, Taxation and Business Planning Law, 网赌上分平台, 西汉文, CT. (2008年5月).

戈德堡,M., "餐厅评审责任 for Defamation and Related Torts," presented at European Applied Business 研究 Conference, 6月5日,内华达州拉斯维加斯. (2007).

戈德堡,M., "餐厅评审责任 for Defamation and Related Torts," presented at European Applied Business 研究 Conference, 6月5日,内华达州拉斯维加斯. (2007).

戈德堡,M., "Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights Under the 2007 Deferred Compensation Regulations," presented at European Applied Business 研究 Conference, 6月5日,内华达州拉斯维加斯. (2007).

戈德堡,M.克鲁思,C.波特拉,D., "The 'Teenager Tax' and the Paradigm Shift in U.S. Tax Policy," presented at European Applied Business 研究 Conference, June 拉斯维加斯,内华达州. (2007).



网赌上分平台. (2000年至今).
助理教授(2002 - 2007)
访问ing Assistant professor(2000-2002,with spring 2002 leave of absence)
网赌上分平台 庞培商学院, primarily teaching business law and taxation 法律课程

威德纳大学法学院. (1992年1月至2002年4月).
Harissburg campus, visiting assistant professor, taught income taxation and business 规划的课程

University of Bridgeport School of Law (now Quinnipiac University School of Law). (1990年1月至1992年1月).
LL.M. Program, adjunct faculty, taught income taxation and business 规划的课程



律师事务所. (1991年1月1日至今).

校长,坎特和西尔弗. (1990 - 1991).

宝贝 & 宝贝儿,Ribicoff & 科特金. (1985 - 1990).
副教授(1985 - 1988)
合作伙伴(1989 - 1990)

律师,Kalogredis律师事务所. (1982 - 1985).
Emphasis on pension, corporate and estate planning


特别项目或任务. (2011)
Program coordinator of continuing legal education seminar, Taxation and Business Planning Law, 2011 Update, co-sponsored by 网赌上分平台 庞培商学院 and New Haven County Bar Association, and lecturer on taxation law changes, June 7.

特别项目或任务. (2008)
Business, Retirement, and Estate Planning Under 2007-2008 Tax Law Change, at Taxation and Business Planning Law 2008 Update, program co-sponsored by 网赌上分平台 庞培商学院 and New Haven County Bar Association, May 21.

特别项目或任务. (2007)
Advising Clients Under Changing Income Taxation Laws, presentation at Symposium: Update on Taxation Law Changes and Forensic Accounting, program co-sponsored by University of New Haven 庞培商学院 and New Haven County Bar Association, May 16.

  • ACCT 6606 公司所得税,1门课程
  • ACCT 6607 合格的退休计划,1门课程
  • ACCT 6679 专题,1门课程
  • BUSL 1101 Business Law and the Regulatory Environment, 3 课程
  • BUSL 6674 Business Law and the Regulatory Environment, 1 course



Professor Reflects on Fighting Antisemitism and Fostering the Soul of Academia

In response to the growing number of incidents of antisemitism 全国各地, a sub-committee of the 网赌上分平台’s 包容, 多样性, 股本, and Access (IDEA) Council created the Human Rights Law and Policy Speaker Series. 马丁一个. 戈德堡,J.D., LL.M., a business and tax law professor who spearheaded the creation of the series, discusses the importance of exploring new approaches to combatting antisemitism on college campuses, 全国各地, 在世界各地.